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Thursday, January 28, 2010

The GreatestGift

"The greatest gifts my parents gave to me were their unconditional love and set of values. Values that they lived and didn't just lecture about.

Values that included an understanding of the simple difference between right and wrong, a belief in God, the importance of hard work and education, self-respect and a belief in America."

Colin Powell

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Exploring Free Will

The past month, my five year old daughter has been learning the concept of making choices. One day, she asked her mother, "do you know why I don't behave when I get home at night?" Probably thinking that she can solve all of world's problems if she can solve this one, mom answered, "yes dear." Avery answered, "It is so hard being good at school all day that sometimes I need to be bad at home."

Having heard this story from my wife, the next week I get the question, "Does God control us?" [Oh boy, I'm in trouble -- deep breath] "No honey, God gave us choices on how we behave." Our good catholic school son (Age 8) then chimes in, "Like Adam and Eve." I jumped on this one "Yes, like Adam and Eve, we can choose whether to be good or bad."

Not quite satisfied, Avery goes on, "How do we know how to be good or bad." [sweat dripping down my forehead -- deep breath -- pause]. "That's our job as parents to teach you what is right and what is wrong. My parents taught me and now I have to teach you." Seemingly making the connection, Avery asks, "Do I need to teach my children?" [sigh of relief and mental high-five] "Yes, you will need to teach your children."

Back to being five again, she says "and they will teach their children and they will teach their children...... [on and on annoyingly for about five minutes].

Since then, it has been amazing to watch her work through this issue. Last night, she was ready to "blow her top" and said so, but seemed to calm herself down. She also told me recently that if she blows her top to turn on the lullaby CD in her room.

This parenting thing is scary business -- I often struggle with right and wrong and keeping my own perspective. Yet, I'm expected to teach life skills to a couple of little human sponges? I guess I need to keep exploring my own free will? Thanks to my daughter for teaching me this lesson.

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