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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finding Balance

It's time to balance the books.

Yesterday, the house and the senate sent a series of spending bills to the Governor. Unfortunately, their spending package is $3 billion in excess of their revenue. "A $3 billion hole" as described by the Pioneer Press.

Shortly after receiving the bills, the Governor expressed his frustration in a letter to legislative leaders. Click here to read his letter.

As explained by the Governor, the one tax bill the DFL was able to muster sent $1 billion in additional revenue. Although this bill was vetoed by the Governor, even it was still $2 billion short of their spending spree. The ball remains in the DFL court to find responsible revenue enhancements that support their spending -- or find areas to cut.

The Governor has proposed additional revenue enhancements totally $1billion -- many of which were supported by either the house or the Senate. His proposal was flatly rejected by the DFL majority. As twittered by Speaker Kelliher, "It is not a responsible plan."

What would be irresponsible would be for the Governor to sign spending bills that are not paid for. Again, reasonable education and human services bills and a responsible tax bill have not been presented by the DFL majority. Until they are, balance will remain elusive.

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