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Monday, November 01, 2010

The End of Extremes... Please!

PLEASE VOTE! It is your civic duty.

Trends are funny things! In 2006, a wave swept Republicans from the four corners of the Country, leaving a "new mandate" in place. My message following that election was, "expect the same stuff, different party." Meaning that the other party would swing to the other far extreme. With the momentum that followed, the 2008 election garnered a substantially similar result.

Following the Obama win, I was quoted as follows in the Albert Lea Tribune:

Matt Benda, former Republican candidate for the state House District 27A seat, said recently politics have been so dramatic from one extreme to the next that he fears the country will again have a president who does not govern from the middle.

Unfortunately, the party winning two successive elections with those types of numbers felt that they had been given a mandate. As a result we were given massive bailouts, staggering deficits and health-care reform no matter what the cost. Unfortunately, these extremes have done little to ease the fears that we all feel on mainstreet.

As described in a recent Wall Street Journal article, Americans see the Democrats as the party of big government and Republicans as the party of big business. The author concludes, "That leaves no party left to represent the American people."

Hopefully, both parties will realize that we need to find a new normal. The problems we face are real and affect real people in a huge way. Political bickering should not be the status quo.

It appears a foregone conclusion that the Republicans will take control of the US Congress and may take over the US Senate. In our First Congressional District, Randy Demmer certainly can win the day with the enthusiasm gap and a good tail wind from the national mood. He will be a great leader and will help eliminate the extremes. Truth Check -- it is not true that Demmer supports privatizing social security. Read Tim Penny's (former Democratic Congressman) refute here.

As for Minnesota State races, Tom Emmer is still in the hunt for Governor, despite his history of extremes. Yet, Dayton is so extreme in the other direction! It's been an odd year for the Governor's race, with our local paper even refusing to make an endorsement for Governor. Perhaps a split House = R; and Senate = D would be a good "governor" for the Governor?

Let's hope this prediction by commentator, Micheal Lewitt does not come true, "... bad ideas are likely to gain ascendancy and provide political cover for American politicians trying to avoid making the tough choices needed to right the American economy."

Hopefully, this will be the year where the swing will not be as extreme and government can roll up its collective sleeves and get some work done.

Remember -- VOTE!!

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